Premiered by the Aster Quartet at the University of Michigan, 2022 Winner of the Gustave Rosseels Endowed Prize. Generously supported by a Binkow Quartet Grant.
“Celestial Dreams” for Shakuhachi, Koto, and String Trio.
Commissioned by Kyo-Shin-An Arts.
“Nebulae” for Organ
Premiered by Rupert Gough at the Chapel of Royal Holloway. Generously Commissioned by Choir & Organ Magazine for the 2022 New Music Series, in partnership with VOCES8.
“Ophelia” for Violin and Piano
Premiered by Kingston Ho, violin and Jack Allen, piano.
“Desert Pools” from Three Seasons in New England. Poem by Sara Teasdale.
Premiered by the composer at the National Gallery Singapore.